A Fresh Face for DVA is on the Horizon!

We're crafting an all-new Downtown Vidalia Association website for you.

Exciting changes are underway! The Downtown Vidalia Association is undergoing a digital transformation, curating a website that captures the essence and vibrancy of our community. While we've launched our foundational pages, there's a lot more in store. Expect richer content, interactive features, and updates that keep you in the loop about everything happening in Vidalia-Toombs County.

And here's the best part: We're adding fresh content daily, ensuring that our platform becomes your go-to hub for all things downtown Vidalia.

Don't miss out on our full reveal and the many additions we have planned. Meanwhile, connect with us on facebook and instagram to get information, updates, and news from the heart of "The Sweet Spot."


128 Church St
Vidalia, GA 30474

[email protected]
(912) 537-8033

Mon-Friday 8:30 - 5:00

© 2025 Downtown Vidalia Association | All rights reserved